Tuesday 2 July 2019

Parents Evening Feedback 2019

The feedback from all our parents has been fantastic this year. It is always so lovely for staff to hear that parents see and appreciate all the hard work they put into making learning fun. 
·       I think my child has progressed really well and is a lot more confident with everything. The staff at the nursery are always very helpful.

·       My child really enjoys coming to nursery, she is keen to explore all activities and play with her friends. Nursery are extremely supportive and have prepared her for school. She will miss everyone.

·       My child has made so much progress in the last year. His speech and language has really improved and I have a lot of confidence in my child starting school now. Nursery have helped massively with his progress and getting him ready for school. He loves being here and his confidence and development have really improved because of being here.

·       I am really happy with my child’s progress at nursery. She is more confident in making friends and getting involved in activities. She is able to ask her teachers questions on what she wants to do when she comes to nursery. Also she has made a new friend and she has become more settled.

·       Very happy with his progress. I think he is more than ready to move on now, I have no concerns. I hope he plays well among other children in a kind and caring manner. I hope he mixes in well and does as he is asked.

·       I am very pleased with her progress in Nursery. I can’t fault the staff. They have been amazing; she has come on leaps and bounds.

·       I’m really happy with her progress in Nursery. They support me a lot with my daughter, I really appreciate their efforts.

·       He has been happy whilst at nursery; he enjoyed his time with other kids in the group.

·       It is a very good nursery, everyone is friendly. Teachers are very supportive; they have helped my child develop. She has lovely manners.

·       I am very happy wither progress in nursery. Staff are very very good, especially Wendy and Helen.

·       My child has learnt a lot from 3 years of nursery, I hope it carries on, the staff have been wonderful. I feel she has developed a lot from staff and thank you for everything.

·       My child has developed lots since he has been at nursery and really enjoys attending. We feel he has become a lot more confident and independent. He is looking forward to starting school.

·       Before coming here I was a bit worried about my son that if he is ready for school or not, but after talking to Helen I feel a bit relaxed. I think he has made improvements.

·       She is very happy at Nursery, she loves coming. She has a lot of friends. She has developed a lot, I don’t have any concerns.

·       I am really happy with my child's progress. She has learnt more from Wendy, I will give credit to Wendy. Thank you so much. 

·       I am happy with my son, what he’s done in nursery. So happy he had Wendy, no worries at all.

·       I am happy with my daughter, she has had a fantastic time, learnt so much, very independent, plus teacher Wendy is really good with the children, even my child says ‘I like Wendy’.

·       I think my son has really enjoyed his time in Nursery, as have I. I strongly feel that the staff have been absolutely amazing.

·       It has been a wonderful experience, teachers, staff very supportive, very caring, they all done very well with him, even my son loves staying and he loves his teacher Halima.

·       Feeling that he is settling in well. We’ve noticed improvements in listening and communication. He enjoys telling us what he has been doing that day. Really impressed as he doesn’t spend a lot of time with ones his own age and impressed with his development that way too.

·       He has made great improvements. He is confident, he has made friends. At home he is able to tell us what he has been up to in nursery and he is able to name his friends.

·       My daughter has had a positive experience this year. Great support from staff at St Mary’s, a strong platform to thrive at primary school.

·       From the minute my child started at Nursery I feel the staff have been so wonderful. I have very high expectations of this nursery.

·       He loves to come to Nursery. He likes playing with his friends and teachers.

·       He was a little unsure about starting nursery but soon settled in with the help of the friendly staff at St Mary’s.

·       My son has developed so much and reached many milestones which I thought would take longer. He has learned and achieved so much at his own pace and is always eager to learn. He has done so well this year and the recent changes has been amazing. Thanks so much to all the staff!

·       Really pleased with her development at nursery. She has not got upset as much recently and seems to enjoy all elements and activities. She seems to be achieving all the development aspects really well.

·       I am happy to know she enjoys her time at nursery. She does need stimulating as she gets bored easily. I have no concerns about her development and will hope she will achieve her targets.

·       I am really happy with the following meeting and really look forward for more development in her.

·       Very happy to see how well he has settled into nursery and to see he is making good progress with his development.

·       I feel he has become more responsible, however I would like to the boys to become more confident in making relationships with other children as well as staff members.

·       We believe he has made lots of gains coming to nursery and his teachers are great. He is doing very well and we are very happy with the work all you guys have done for him.

·       She has flourished really well in every aspects of her life. She has now become a confident happy girl, Mariyah  has really helped her to build friendly relationships with all the other kid. She’s doing great at home with all her stuff now.

·       Very happy with his progress so far in all areas. I think Wendy has been absolutely brilliant with him in preparing him for the next steps in his early key stages and dealing with his tantrums and emotional needs.

·       He really enjoys all aspects of Nursery and has developed his phonics abilities. He loves coming to nursery and really appreciates his key workers (Steph) efforts to support his learning.

·       Really happy with the progress she has made during her time at St Mary’s so far. She is always eager to come to nursery and play with her friends. Fantastic development of her communication skills.

·       It has been positive to see the progression he has made since January and has really come on in leaps and bounds with all he tries to develop in. It is lovely to see how hard he is trying and nursery and all the staff have supported him in his development and learning. We will continue at home with him with listening and learning ready for school.

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