Wednesday 25 November 2020

Bird watching



Intent: Next step: Turn taking/ sharing 

The children helped make the hoopla using a cardboard box and some kitchen roll tubes. 

COEL: showing high levels of energy and fascination 
PSED: begins to accept the needs of others and can take turns and share resources, sometimes without support from others. 
Pre writing skills: building up the muscles in our shoulders, elbows and wrist


Running Races

'Steph, watch how fast I can run' 

Steph suggested a running race, lots of children joined in....

- Physical - Moving and handling - the children did really well negotiating space 
- Communication and language - following directions 
- Characteristic of effective learning - Playing and exploring:  being willing to have a go


Tuesday 24 November 2020

Nature Hunt

Can you find: 

A tree


Spider webs



Tree Bark 



INTENT: comment on the natural environment


Understanding the world: The world: Can talk about some of the things they have observed such as plants, animals, natural and found objects. 

Physical •Holds pencil between thumb and two fingers, no longer using whole-hand grasp. •Holds pencil near point between first two fingers and thumb and uses it with good control.

Maths •Shows awareness of similarities of shapes in the environment. •Uses positional language

PSE: Confident to talk to other children when playing

Monday 23 November 2020

Christmas Celebrations


Tuesday 15th December 2020

If your child does not attend on this day you will be informed by a member of staff which party he/she will be invited to. 

AM - 10.00am - 11.30am

PM - 2.00pm - 3.30pm  

DRESS CODE: Party Clothes 

We are asking for £1.00 donation towards party food and prizes. 

Please could you give your £1.00 contribution to a member of staff by Friday 11th December 


Thursday 17th December 2020 @ 12noon

 (for children who stay for lunch) 


Friday 18th December 2020 

Wear a Christmas Jumper or Green/Red Jumper Day

Wednesday 18 November 2020

Obstacle course

During the Autumn Term ROSCO (Robinson Screening of Comprehension) we look at children's understanding of positional language. 

Outside we carried out an obstacle course to develop our knowledge of 'in' 'on' 'over' 'under' 'through' 

The Tweenies have been practicing their balancing skills - walking the plank !!


Monday 16 November 2020

Pre writing skill activities

Did you know????

The starting point for all writing skills is Physical Development.

· In order to become successful writers children need lots of opportunities to develop their motor skills. Motor skills are motions carried out when the brain, nervous system and muscles work together. Children need to build their Gross motor skills in order to develop their Fine Motor skills. 

Children’s muscles need to be developed in the following order for them to become successful writers…….

· 1. Shoulder Muscles, examples of activities we carry out in Nursery are : Crawling, den building, parachute games, gardening (digging), PE sessions, climbing, self dressing, paint brush with bucket of water making large marks outside, drumming etc.

· 2. Elbow Muscles, examples of activities we carry out in Nursery are: Baking, painting, bat and ball, throwing, chalking, shaking instruments, play dough (rolling), zipping up coats, stirring (baking), cars on tracks, small world activities etc.

· 3. Wrist Muscles, examples of activities we carry out in Nursery are: hand washing, cutting up fruit, turning pages in books, mark making, scooping sand, pouring water, self dressing (socks and shoes) dressing dolls, making play dough, using the computer (mouse) etc.

· 4.  Finger Muscles, examples of activities we carry out in Nursery are: Cutting, threading beads, finger puppets, fastening buttons, jigsaws, keyboard typing, magnetic letters etc.

To help your child to become successful writers provide them with activities to develop these muscles so when they start Primary School they are ready to learn to write.


Request: please can we make another volcano?

 The children made their own individual volcano's 

Tuesday 10 November 2020

Children in Need 2020

 Friday 13th November 2020

Snuggle up with your favourite book (we will be using nursery books, please do not bring one in from home) 

Wear your pyjamas to Nursery and donate £1 

Monday 9 November 2020

Exploring different sized Pumpkins

-Taking about textures 
-comparing weight, using language such as heavy, light 
-comparing size, using language such as big/ little 

Birthday Party

 ***  and *** were playing with the babies ' Helen, it's the baby's birthday'  

Let's have a birthday party

With a little help from Helen, the children set up a birthday party tea, they wrapped a present, made a cake (using crayons as candles) and sang happy birthday.  


 *** drew a volcano in the mark making area and discussed the drawing in detail with Susan. 

They decided they wanted to make their own volcano in the garden - a shopping list was devised and given to Lisa

Characteristic of effective learning: Playing and exploring: 
•Taking a risk, engaging in new experiences, and learning by trial and error
Characteristic of effective learning: Creating and thinking critically: Making predictions 

Characteristic of effective learning: Playing and exploring: showing curiosity about objects 

Characteristic of effective learning: Creating and thinking critically: Showing high levels of fascination 

Home activity: To 
make the lava to mimic that of a real volcano you will need bicarbonate soda, washing up liquid,  orange food colouring and white vinegar.

We are going on holiday on our Aeroplane

*** wanted to build an aeroplane 
With a little help the children used the resources available to construct a large aeroplane. 

Characteristic of effective Learning: Playing and exploring: Taking on a role in their play
Characteristic of effective Learning: Creating and thinking critically: Thinking of ideas 

Communication and Language: Using language as a powerful means of widening contacts. 
Maths: Using positional language