Friday 29 April 2016

Safer Parenting Programme

Mr Tumble Week (April 16)

Mr Tumble says "Bathing is important"

Mr Tumble says "Be safe on days out with your family"

We went for a spring walk looking at the beautiful flowers. We talked about keeping safe. 
We talked about the importance of holding hands 
We went on an outing to the trim trail. We talked about keeping safe when on days out with our family.

Monday 18 April 2016

Understanding the world.....

Where does fruit grow? 

"I made a fruit kebab"

Planting seeds 

Exploring what seeds look like before we plant them

Making flowers to sell in our Garden Centre

Where do Vegetables grow?

After researching where vegetables grow we made some soup

We ate the soup for snack 
The development matters we have been covering are: 
- Comments and asks questions about aspects of their familiar world such as the place where they live or the natural world.
- Can talk about some of the things they have observed such as plants, animals, natural and found objects.
- Talks about why things happen and how things work.
 - Developing an understanding of growth, decay and changes over time.

Monday 11 April 2016

Taking risks

Taking risks outside 

During continuous provision the children thought of their own ideas on how to use the crates and wooden planks.  They then tested these ideas out by placing the plank on the climbing frame and using it as a balancing beam to climb up.  The children took risks by walking higher and higher up the climbing frame using Steph as support if needed.  The children sought challenges, persisting with the activity even when they were a little apprehensive. 


Easter Fun

Image result for easter bunnies and eggs

The children celebrated Easter by participating in making chocolate Easter nests.  They helped to mix, stir, scoop and place their own eggs on top of their nests.

I used my shoulder and elbow muscles when stirring the ingredients together.

I used my finger muscles to pick up the mini eggs for my nest. 

I showed a can do attitude by independently placing the mixture into my bun case.

Happy Mother's Day

The babies pointed at their
 mummies on the families board
The children looked at pictures of their mummies and other female relatives. The pre-school children made hand print pictures.  
"Look that's my mummy"

I tasted raw onion
 but I was a little unsure. 

 Mr Tumble says.....
'Remember smile for life'

The babies explored different vegetables including celery, onion and broccoli and
tasted some of these too.

Staff showed the children how to brush 
their teeth using a doll. 
 The children in the tweenie room practiced good tooth brushing techniques.

Mr Tumble says.....
'Lets look at things that could burn us'

Image result for ironImage result for cup of tea

Staff showed the babies pictures of hot items and used words and actions to help them understand danger.

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St. Patrick's Day

The babies created green pictures on St. Patrick's Day using a shamrock sponge and green paint.