Friday 23 April 2021

Sun Cream

 It is parent’s responsibility to apply a high factor sun cream on their child prior to coming to nursery. 

Staff will re-apply sun cream on children who are at nursery for the full day.

 Parents are being asked to sign a permission form for staff to apply our sun cream. 

Parents of children who access 3 hours or less childcare must apply sun cream to their child before the session begins. Failure to do so will result in the withdrawal of continuous outdoor provision.

Thursday 22 April 2021

Shadow drawing


Sunsmart Policy

 The Every Child Matters Framework has a ‘be healthy’ outcome.  This policy ensures the children attending St Marys Nursery @ Wensley Fold Children’s Centre are safeguarded from accidental injury caused by the sun.

At St Mary’s Nursery we want staff and children to enjoy the sun safely. We will work with staff and parents to achieve this through:

Education –These measures are in place from now on:
  • Staff will include sunsmart issues within the planning for the children’s learning.
  • One safety message of the month is ‘sun awareness’ this is during the month of May each year. The sunsmart policy and poster will be displayed on the safety message board in the entrance.
  • Parents and guardians are made aware of what we do about sun protection and how they can help. (in brochure pack)
  • We will review the sun protection policy on a yearly basis at staff meetings to re-enforce the importance of this policy to staff.

Protection – this is more of an ongoing process.

  • We have shaded areas within each outdoor space.
  • Staff will aim to provide outdoor activities under the shaded areas – during the hours of 11:00am and 3:00pm (if it is really hot children will stay inside between the hours of 11:00am and 3:00pm).

  • Children will spend more time outside before 11:00am and after 3:00pm (unless under the shaded areas), in hot weather.

  • We will actively encourage children to wear a hat when playing outside from May (if weather becomes hotter sooner this will be changed) each year.
  • Notices will be placed around the setting reminding parents to bring in a hat for their child.

  • It is parent’s responsibility to provide high factor sun cream, for staff to apply if their child attends the facility for longer than a 3 hour period.
  • Parents give written consent for staff to apply sun cream to their child (on the child detail forms).
  • Parents of children who access 3 hours or less childcare must apply sun cream before the session begins.
  • There is an option for ’non application of sun cream’ for those children who’s lack of vitamin D is greater risk then UV rays. (Parents will be asked to sign a declaration)

Imaginative play

There's a fire in the construction area........ Fireman **** to the rescue 

We're off to work in our van 

Let's make a bug garden, then a farm, then a zoo


Birds nest

Reading a story together during continuous provision. Emma heard the boys discussing a birds nest. Emma told the boys that she had found a birds nest in the playground 

They went outside to have a look at a real birds nest

We collected twigs and leaves to make a nest for the birds. *** noticed that the leaves in the story were brown but the leaves we collected were green. This sparked an in depth conversation about seasons and why leaves turn brown in autumn.  

Understanding the world: The World - 

•Shows care and concern for living things and the environment
•Can talk about some of the things they have observed

We will leave this out overnight to see if the birds use our nest. 


Tuesday 20 April 2021



Maths through play ......

Compares two groups of objects, saying when they have the same number.
Uses some number names and number language spontaneously.

matches numeral and quantity correctly

Who can jump the furthest???
Compares two groups of objects, saying when they have the same number.


Water play

We made a water slide .......


Wednesday 14 April 2021

Pre School 1 - we have a settled into our new room


This term we are focusing all next steps on School Readiness 

School Readiness : How can you support me to do this?

I can put on my own coat and fasten it.

·        Hold my hood and encourage me to put my arms in sleeves.

·        Put the hood on my head so I can do the rest.

·        Show me where to position their hands to use my zip.

I can go to the toilet by myself and wash my hands afterwards.

·        Let’s play a game where we teach a favorite toy how to use the toilet.

·        Let me choose my own knickers or pants in the shops.

·        Give me plenty of praise when I go to the toilet and wipe all by myself.

·        Let me watch you wash your hands and tell you what to do next. 

I can confidently say goodbye when I am left with an adult that I know will look after me.

·        Leave me with other familiar adults for short periods of time.

·        Let me talk to your friends whilst you are there.

·        Take me to visit my new Teacher and meet all the adults working in my new class.

I have made good friends and can happily talk to other children and adults.

·        Take me to Toddler and Children Centre Groups.

·        Let me play with other children in the park and on outings.

·        Let me talk to other adults when you are there.

I can share and take turns in a group.

·        Play games with me where I have to wait until it’s my turn to go.

·        Make sure I take turns at the park and on outings.

·        Talk to me about why I need to share my toys.

I can sit and listen for a short while.

·        Read stories with me and look at books.

·        Let’s listen to songs together and sing.

·        Play hide and seek games where I have to listen to your instructions.

I can answer a simple question about a story.

·        When we are sharing a story ask me how it might end.

·        Ask me about the different pictures I can see on each page.

I can tidy up after myself and look after my things.

·        Show me where things are kept so I know where to put them back.

·        Play tidy up games with me.

·        Let’s tidy up and clean together.

I am happy to speak to others about my wants, needs and feelings.

·        Read books like Owl Babies and Peace at Last so we can talk about how the different characters are feeling.

·        Ask me questions about how I feel.

·        Tell me how you are feeling.

I can follow simple instructions.

·        Play games with me like find the teddy where I have to follow your instructions.

·        Teach me how to make a sandwich saying first get the bread etc…..

·        Let’s follow some instructions to bake a cake.

I can retell a past event (something that has happened to me).

·        Ask me if I remember certain dates/experiences.

·        Show me photographs and let me talk about what I remember.

·        Let’s make a scrap book after we go on day trips so I can look back and remember.

I can feed myself and enjoy a range of healthy foods.

·        Teach me to use a knife, fork, and spoon and make sure I don’t just eat with my hands.

·        Provide a variety of meals so I can experience a range of foods.

·        Let me help you prepare meals so I can talk about foods and you can teach me new things.

I can dress and undress myself as well as putting on and taking off my shoes.

·        Show me my new school uniform and let me practice buttons and zips.

·        Show me how to take off my clothes and put them in a pile on a chair ready for PE lessons.

·        Buy me some Velcro fastening shoes that I can put on and take off by myself.

I can follow rules at home and nursery and will be able to do this at school.

·        Make sure I know what I’m allowed to do and not allowed to do.

·        Tell me boundaries and make sure I keep to them.

·        Let’s make some house rules together.

I enjoy listening to stories and singing rhymes.

·        Read me a bedtime story before bed.

·      Sing songs with me and rhymes that I can make actions to like Heads, shoulders, knees and toes and wind the bobbin up etc.…

·        Make up stories whilst we are walking so I can listen to them and tell you one too.

I can hold a pencil and enjoy making marks.

·        Let me help you peg out the washing.

·        Let’s play with playdough so I can use my finger muscles.

·        Let’s draw pictures on the path and paving stones with chunky chalks.