Wednesday 14 April 2021

Pre School 1 - we have a settled into our new room


This term we are focusing all next steps on School Readiness 

School Readiness : How can you support me to do this?

I can put on my own coat and fasten it.

·        Hold my hood and encourage me to put my arms in sleeves.

·        Put the hood on my head so I can do the rest.

·        Show me where to position their hands to use my zip.

I can go to the toilet by myself and wash my hands afterwards.

·        Let’s play a game where we teach a favorite toy how to use the toilet.

·        Let me choose my own knickers or pants in the shops.

·        Give me plenty of praise when I go to the toilet and wipe all by myself.

·        Let me watch you wash your hands and tell you what to do next. 

I can confidently say goodbye when I am left with an adult that I know will look after me.

·        Leave me with other familiar adults for short periods of time.

·        Let me talk to your friends whilst you are there.

·        Take me to visit my new Teacher and meet all the adults working in my new class.

I have made good friends and can happily talk to other children and adults.

·        Take me to Toddler and Children Centre Groups.

·        Let me play with other children in the park and on outings.

·        Let me talk to other adults when you are there.

I can share and take turns in a group.

·        Play games with me where I have to wait until it’s my turn to go.

·        Make sure I take turns at the park and on outings.

·        Talk to me about why I need to share my toys.

I can sit and listen for a short while.

·        Read stories with me and look at books.

·        Let’s listen to songs together and sing.

·        Play hide and seek games where I have to listen to your instructions.

I can answer a simple question about a story.

·        When we are sharing a story ask me how it might end.

·        Ask me about the different pictures I can see on each page.

I can tidy up after myself and look after my things.

·        Show me where things are kept so I know where to put them back.

·        Play tidy up games with me.

·        Let’s tidy up and clean together.

I am happy to speak to others about my wants, needs and feelings.

·        Read books like Owl Babies and Peace at Last so we can talk about how the different characters are feeling.

·        Ask me questions about how I feel.

·        Tell me how you are feeling.

I can follow simple instructions.

·        Play games with me like find the teddy where I have to follow your instructions.

·        Teach me how to make a sandwich saying first get the bread etc…..

·        Let’s follow some instructions to bake a cake.

I can retell a past event (something that has happened to me).

·        Ask me if I remember certain dates/experiences.

·        Show me photographs and let me talk about what I remember.

·        Let’s make a scrap book after we go on day trips so I can look back and remember.

I can feed myself and enjoy a range of healthy foods.

·        Teach me to use a knife, fork, and spoon and make sure I don’t just eat with my hands.

·        Provide a variety of meals so I can experience a range of foods.

·        Let me help you prepare meals so I can talk about foods and you can teach me new things.

I can dress and undress myself as well as putting on and taking off my shoes.

·        Show me my new school uniform and let me practice buttons and zips.

·        Show me how to take off my clothes and put them in a pile on a chair ready for PE lessons.

·        Buy me some Velcro fastening shoes that I can put on and take off by myself.

I can follow rules at home and nursery and will be able to do this at school.

·        Make sure I know what I’m allowed to do and not allowed to do.

·        Tell me boundaries and make sure I keep to them.

·        Let’s make some house rules together.

I enjoy listening to stories and singing rhymes.

·        Read me a bedtime story before bed.

·      Sing songs with me and rhymes that I can make actions to like Heads, shoulders, knees and toes and wind the bobbin up etc.…

·        Make up stories whilst we are walking so I can listen to them and tell you one too.

I can hold a pencil and enjoy making marks.

·        Let me help you peg out the washing.

·        Let’s play with playdough so I can use my finger muscles.

·        Let’s draw pictures on the path and paving stones with chunky chalks.

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