Tuesday 24 March 2020

How you can help me with my learning at home (30-50 months)

 Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Making Relationships
· Help  me build things using big cardboard boxes and pieces of fabric.
-Face time family and friends 
Self Confidence and Self Awareness
· Let me help you match the socks together.
Managing Feelings and Behaviour
· Let me dress up and pretend to be a nurse, doctor, firefighter, mum or dad.
· Explain to me why I cannot do things like run around the supermarket.

 Communication and Language
Listening and Attention
· Play listening games with me like “Simon Says ..”  Where I have to copy an action or “Ready, Steady, Go” where I have to wait to push the ball or car.
· Make up silly sentences with me where each word begins with the same sound as at the start of my name.
· When I’m helping you to make the lunch, ask me questions like “What do I need to cut the apple?” or “What do I need to pour your milk/water into?” so that I can find you the things we need.
· When we’re tidying up give me simple instructions like “Put your shoes in the basket” or “Put the remote control on the sofa”.
· Talk to me about things we did or places that we went to yesterday.

Physical Development
Moving and Handling
· Let me practice using children’s scissors to cut dough, cooked spaghetti or paper.
· Make an obstacle course in the garden where I have to run around benches or chairs, crawl under a blanket and crawl through a cardboard box.
Health and Self Care
· Make sure I brush my teeth twice a day.

 Expressive Arts and Design
Exploring and using Media and Materials
· Let me use my paints to mix up my own colours
Being Imaginative
· Help me to use some of my toys to make up a story.
· Give me pieces of material to make a cape or a big cardboard box to make a spaceship when I’m pretending to be somebody else or going on an adventure.

· Make a train shed with numbers on so that I can match my trains into the shed with the same number on.
· Put numbers on a skittles game made from plastic bottles.  Ask me what number was on the bottle I knocked down.
Shape, Space and Measure
· Let me build from cardboard boxes or wooden bricks.  Use words like “long” or “tall” to describe my model.
· Go on a shape walk inside or in the garden to find things which are the same like “circles” or “spheres”.

· Set up a pretend shop where I can read the labels on the packets and boxes.
· Read a recipe to me as we’re making dough.
· Tell me what you’re writing as you write a shopping list.
· Make a name card for my bedroom door or a placemat with my name on.  Let me use these to help me try to write my name by myself.

Understanding the World
People and Communities
· Look through photograph and talk about people in my family, past and present.
The World
· Let me explore mud, rain or snow.
· Plant seeds with me in a pot or in the garden.
· Limit my time on technology

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