Wednesday 27 May 2020

COVID 19 arrangements for phased return from 8th June 2020

COVID 19 arrangements for phased return from 8th  June 2020

On Sunday 24th May  the Department for Education released the Planning guide for early years and childcare settings. With such a short time scale we realise that plans/measures need to be in place for the safe return of the children and staff for 1st June 20.  After many hours of consultation with the Local Authority/ Governors of St Mary’s College and looking through the government guidance. 

The nursery sets out its plan for re-opening come MONDAY 8th  June 2020 (depending on the Government announcement on 29th May 2020 that it is safe to open schools and childcare settings).

Changes to operational days/hours

The nursery will operate a 4 day week, until the risk of spreading COVID19 is dramatically reduced, This will

·         reduce the number of staff required to care for the children

·         give consistency for the children by having the same staff member caring for each ‘bubble’

·         ensure  that if the environment has been exposed to COVID 19 Virus and undetected (Asymptomatic people) there will be 72+ hours each week for the virus to did (weekly health questionnaires for children and staff will be required).

The new operational hours will be 8am – 5.30pm

The setting will re-open for Vulnerable children/ children who access the full day care provision and children transitioning to school in September 20. You will receive a telephone call week commencing 1st June 2020 with times and sessions, if your child fits the criteria for returning.

St Mary’s Nursery @ The Park – children will be offered their sessions at St Mary’s Nursery At Wensley Fold Children Centre (Unless otherwise informed) Sarah from the Park will be at Wensley Fold for the these children.


The government guidance states that children should be kept in groups (bubbles), no more than 16 to a group, with the same members of staff at all times, where possible, to reduce the spread of any germs (COVID). In light of this guidance and to ensure the same member of staff can care for the same bubble of children ALL DAY, we will be operating 8am – 6pm Monday to Thursday ONLY for the immediate future.

The children will stay in their groups throughout the day, they will be able to play as normal with children in their ‘bubble’.

Social distancing rules between staff will be followed but it will not be expected of the children. Cuddles and comfort from staff to children will be maintained.

The ‘bubbles’ will be split into 2 rooms, your child may be based  in a different room to their usual  but this is necessary to maintain the ‘bubbles’ and meet the legal requirements for adult/ child ratios.


Outdoor play is advised as much as possible, this is not new to St Mary’s as free access is available throughout most of the day for the children. We will focus more on activities outside than indoors and may even eat out there. The outdoor play areas are perfect for keeping children within their ‘bubble’ as each room has their own space outdoors. Please ensure the children have appropriate outdoor clothing (waterproofs, sun hat etc)


We will NOT be clearing our rooms of all resources, this is the childrens play space, an environment where they can feel safe, stimulated and happy. We have removed some resources as guidance states, soft furnishings, dressing up, sand, water and play dough as these are high risk for transporting gems from one child to another.


SMN – SNACK – will be within the allocated room with the same bubble of children. LUNCH - As we will be using Tweenie room and Pre-school ONLY, the children with in the Tweenie room bubble will eat lunch in the baby unit (unoccupied). The pre school bubble will eat lunch in the dining room. Lunch arrangements are as before the closure , there may be changes to the menu depending on what food can be sourced.

WF – SNACK and LUNCH – will be within the allocated room with the same bubble of children. We are asking parents to provide packed lunches for their children with all ‘throw away’ items  so that they can be disposed of when finished.

PARK- SNACK and LUNCH – will be within the allocated room with the same bubble of children. We are asking parents to provide packed lunches for their children with all ‘throw away’ items so that they can be disposed of when finished.


SMN – We are insisting

·         that one parent drop off and collect their child (preferable the same parent to do both)

·         only one parent within the nursery building at a time

·         parents to drop off and collect their child as quickly as possible (there will be a queue of parents outside waiting to come in)

·         parents to stick to the 2 meter distancing rules when speaking to staff (obviously if a child is distressed this will not be possible).

·         Parents do not enter the play rooms

·         Parents to use the empty baby unit drop off children to the tweenie room

WF and PARK – We are insisting

·         that one parent drop off and collect their child (preferable the same parent to do both)

·         only one parent within the nursery  at a time, parents to wait in the hall way for staff to allow them access (subject to change)

·         parents to drop off and collect their child as quickly as possible (there will be a queue of parents outside waiting to come in)

·         parents to stick to the 2 meter distancing rules when speaking to staff (obviously if a child is distressed this will not be possible).

·         Parents to use the Tweenie room entrance for tweenie room bubble (all Park children) and pre-school entrance for pre school bubble.

·         Parents follow the measures in place within the children centre.


Parents are asked to provide

·         a sun hat that can remain at nursery

·         2 sets of change of clothes (they will remain at nursery so please write names on and we will wash them if necessary)


We ask that no toys or children’s belongings are brought into nursery at this time to minimise the risk of spreading the virus.


There will be a ‘super strict’ illness policy, we ask that if your child shows ANY signs of illness, no matter how minor, please do not bring them into the nursery. If your child develops any signs of illness, they will be removed from their bubble and isolated until you come to collect them, we expect children who are ill to be collected within 30 minutes. Parents will be advised to ring 111 for advice.

Parents (on behalf of their children) and staff will be expected to complete a weekly health check/declaration.

The testing of temperatures on arrival to nursery is not recommended, temperatures will be taken if a child or member of staff becomes ill.


There is a Risk Assessment which will be available on the blog, obviously this is subject to change but is upto date as of 25th May 2020.


We know this is an extremely stressful time for our families, children and staff. The above plan may seem strict and extreme in places but it is necessary to try to keep the children, your families, our staff and their families’ safe during this pandemic. If you have any questions or worries There will be a member of staff available to speak to at  St Mary’s @ St Mary’s College  (01254 586996) and St Mary’s @ Wensley Fold (01254 699823) from week commencing 1st June 2020 from 10 am.


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