Friday 30 October 2020

Water Tray Fun

We explored a variety of different coloured gloves in the water tray. We talked about the different colour's and the children said the blue one was a shark,  which then led on to the children singing baby shark. They pretended the fingers on the gloves were shark teeth and counted how many there was. 
  • Recites some number names in sequence


  • Thinking of ideas
  • Paying attention to details
  • Showing high levels of energy and fascination

Monster Activity


We made our own Monsters using playdough and a variety of different resources.  Personal, Social And Emotional Development
  • Can select and use activities and resources with help. 
Communication And Language 
  • Uses simple sentences e.g "I got eyes", "I need a mouth".
Expressive Arts and Design

  • Beginning to make believe by pretending


  • Engaging in open ended activity
  • Maintaining focus on their activity for a period of time. 

Biscuit Making

The children made Pumpkin biscuits and decorated them with black icing. 

They used a pumpkin stencil and a knife to cut around the dough to make the biscuit. 

Expressive Arts And Design

  • Exploring and using media and materials
  • Realises tools can be used for a purpose.
Physical Development
  • Handles tools, objects, construction and malleable materials safely and with increasing control. 

They made their own faces on their Pumpkin biscuit with black icing.

 Playing and exploring

  • Showing particular interest



               Happy Halloween Everyone

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend 👻

Tasting our Pumpkin soup

 Mmmmmm our Pumpkin soup tasted nice 😊🎃

We tasted our soup for snack time with breadsticks.

Making Pumpkin Soup


The children helped to make pumpkin soup. First we separated all the seeds from the pumpkin and then the children helped to cut the vegetables for the soup. 

Playing And Exploring

  • Showing a 'can do' attitude
  • Acting out experiences with other people. 

Active Learning
  • Persisting with activities when challenges occur
  • Not easily distracted
  • Maintaining focus on activity for a period of time. 
  • Showing a belief that more effort or a different approach will pay off. 
Communication and Language
  • Speaking
  • Beginning to use more complex sentences to link thoughts
  • Uses language as a powerful means of widening contacts, sharing feelings, experiences and thoughts.
  • Uses simple sentences.

The children worked together to help separate the seeds, and we talked about what the pumpkin smelt like and how it felt. 

They showed brilliant concentration skills when helping to cut the vegetables, and persisted even when it was tough to cut the potatoes and carrots.  

The children placed the vegetables into the pan and then waited for the soup to cook 😄

Friday 23 October 2020

Bubble Bubble Bubble Pop.....

We previously made bubbles by stamping our feet on a large soapy sponge..... 
We looked around the garden to see what else we could use to make bubbles...... 

Creating and Thinking Critically -  
Having their own ideas •Thinking of ideas
Creating and Thinking Critically - 
Making links •Making links and noticing patterns in their experience •Making predictions •Testing their ideas

We love books ......

 Read with your child as often as you can, at least 10 minutes a day if possible. Even though your young child can't read yet, listening as you read and looking at the pictures helps their brain develop and get ready for future school success. Reading stories is a great way to build vocabulary and foster a close emotional bond too.

Acting out 'A Squash and a squeeze'......... 

Tuesday 20 October 2020

October Half Term

 Term Time children break up on Friday 23rd October and return Monday 2nd November 

Tuesday 13 October 2020

Ribbon fun.....


We couldn't reach from the floor so we climbed up then we could reach the poles 

Persisting with wrapping the ribbon around the post until they could tie the ribbon ends together 

'Susan, it's windy' as they watched the ribbon move in the wind

'It looks like you're fishing' (then started to sing baby shark)