Thursday 13 September 2018

Pre writing activities

The starting point for all writing skills is Physical Development.

· In order to become successful writers children need lots of opportunities to develop their motor skills. Motor skills are motions carried out when the brain, nervous system and muscles work together. Children need to build their Gross motor skills in order to develop their Fine Motor skills. 

Children’s muscles need to be developed in the following order for them to become successful writers…….

· 1. Shoulder Muscles, examples of activities we carry out in Nursery are : Crawling, den building, parachute games, gardening (digging), PE sessions, climbing, self dressing, paint brush with bucket of water making large marks outside, drumming etc.

· 2. Elbow Muscles, examples of activities we carry out in Nursery are: Baking, painting, bat and ball, throwing, chalking, shaking instruments, play dough (rolling), zipping up coats, stirring (baking), cars on tracks, small world activities etc.

· 3. Wrist Muscles, examples of activities we carry out in Nursery are: hand washing, cutting up fruit, turning pages in books, mark making, scooping sand, pouring water, self dressing (socks and shoes) dressing dolls, making play dough, using the computer (mouse) etc.

· 4.  Finger Muscles, examples of activities we carry out in Nursery are: Cutting, threading beads, finger puppets, fastening buttons, jigsaws, keyboard typing, magnetic letters etc.

To help your child to become successful writers provide them with activities to develop these muscles so when they start Primary School they are ready to learn to write.

This week the children have been developing their shoulder muscles during outdoor activities......... 

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