Friday 9 March 2018

Clever Fingers Training

On Tuesday 6th March all staff took park in 'Clever Fingers' training. 

Clever fingers Clever Fingers was created and designed to support schools in having a greater understanding of fine motor skills, and how poor motor development can impact on pupils' day-to-day schooling.

The course reiterated the importance of developing children's gross motor skills before their fine motor skills. Back in October 2017 I posted a 'Pre Writing' blog which again focused on developing children's gross motor skills before they can become successful writer.

Children’s muscles need to be developed in the following order for them to become successful writers…….

· 1. Shoulder Muscles, examples of activities we carry out in Nursery are : Crawling, pulling to standing, floor play activities, stretching activities, den building, parachute games, gardening (digging), PE sessions, climbing, self dressing, paint brush with bucket of water making large marks outside, drumming etc.

2. Elbow Muscles, examples of activities we carry out in Nursery are: Baking, painting, bat and ball, throwing, chalking, shaking instruments, play dough (rolling), zipping up coats, stirring (baking), cars on tracks, small world activities etc.

3. Wrist Muscles, examples of activities we carry out in Nursery are: hand washing, cutting up fruit, turning pages in books, mark making, scooping sand, pouring water, self dressing (socks and shoes) dressing dolls, making play dough, using the computer (mouse) etc.

4.  Finger Muscles, examples of activities we carry out in Nursery are: Cutting, threading beads, finger puppets, using tweezers, fastening buttons, jigsaws, keyboard typing, magnetic letters etc.

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