Tuesday 31 January 2017

February 2017 Newsletter....

Outdoor Clothing
Please can you bring  suitable clothing for children to play outdoors . Also please can you make sure your children have spare clothes in case they need to be changed.
Thank You

Help at Home 
Baby Room
PSED - Self confidence and self awareness
Place mirrors where babies can see their reflection. Talk with them about what they see.
Tweenie Room
C&L– Speaking
Plan to talk through and comment on some activities to highlight specific vocabulary or language structures, e.g. “You’ve caught the ball. I’ve caught the ball. Nasima’s caught the ball”.
Pre School
Physical - Health and self care
Support children’s growing independence as they do things for themselves, such as pulling up their pants after toileting , putting on their own coat etc.

Please send photos of your child’s home learning to :

 Mr Tumble Week
W/c 13th February 2017
Safety Message:“Be careful around medicine”
Healthy message:“Make an eat well plate”

Free Flexible Entitlement Term Dates
Half Term: Week Commencing 13th February 2017

 Shrove Tuesday 
Tuesday, 28th February
The children will take part in making and tasting pancakes. 

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