Wednesday 23 August 2017

Ice Cream Treat

Ice cream tasting
The children chose what flavour ice cream they wanted and whether they would like sprinkles on.
 The children have been tasting different flavours of ice creams following on from the previous activity.

"Mmmmm Yummy"

The Hungry Caterpillar

The Hungry Caterpillar
The children have been showing interest in the Hungry Caterpillar story sack. They have been exploring the objects in the bag and paying attention to details. The activity was extended by giving the children a variety of mark making tools to make their own Hungry Caterpillar. The children's pictures were then placed on a display. 


Wednesday 2 August 2017

Pre School's Ice Cream Parlor

What a fun morning Pre School had making and selling ice creams....... 
(shaving foam and food colouring)

As a follow on from this activity the children would like to taste some real ice cream. Keep a look out for photographs....