Primary School Applications
Please inform a member of Pre School staff (even if you are appealing) of the Primary School your child will be attending in September 2016. We will be inviting all School teachers into Nursery to ensure smooth transitions into primary school.
Mr Tumble Week
Week commencing 16th May :
Safety Message : Mr Tumble says "Let's talk about medicine"
Healthy Message: Mr Tumble says "Always wear sun cream and drink plenty of water when it is hot" (sun smart policy)
Odd Socks
Wednesday 18th May
Wear odd socks to Nursery. We will be looking at colours, patterns, shapes and differences. Pre School will be focusing on positional language.
A few reminders ....
- Children must not wear Earrings to Nursery.
- If your emergency contact details change please inform Lisa in the office.
- Nursery fees are to be paid by Direct Debit, if you have not yet returned your direct debit form please do so ASAP.
- Baby Room and Tweenie Room parents please remember to bring your child's blue daily diary to every session. This is a great way of to pass messages from home to nursery and nursery to home.
- Thank you to the parents who have emailed through photographs of your child's home activities. The children really enjoy talking about them at group times or throughout the session. If you would like to send photographs of special events, days out etc please email them to