Following the children's interests our Baby Room are exploring Nursery Rhymes.
Over the next few weeks we will be focusing on the following Areas of Learning:
Communication and Language - Listening and Attention
Communication and Language - Speaking
Personal, Social and Emotional - Self Confidence and Self Awareness
Physical - Moving and Handling
Mathematics - Shape, Space and Measure
Provide bricks for the children and sing 'we're going to build a house' . Provide children with pictures of their own houses pointing out features ie Door. Do children begin to build small towers? (Physical - moving and handling) |
Provide bricks for the children and sing 'we're going to build a house' . Provide children with pictures of their own houses pointing out features ie Door. Do children begin to build small towers? (Physical - moving and handling) |
Provide farm animals, hide the animals under the blanket. Sing old Mcdonald with the children. make the noises of each of the animals (finding the animal) Do babies know things exist even when out of sight? (Mathematics- Numbers) |
Provide farm animals, hide the animals under the blanket. Sing old Mcdonald with the children. make the noises of each of the animals (finding the animal) Do babies know things exist even when out of sight? (Mathematics- Numbers)
Provide a range of musical instruments for the children to explore whilst singing Nursery rhymes. Do children concentrate intently on an object or activity for short periods? (Communication and Language- Listening and Attention) |
Provide a range of musical instruments for the children to explore whilst singing Nursery rhymes. Do children concentrate intently on an object or activity for short periods? (Communication and Language- Listening and Attention) |
We have many fun activities planned, please spend some time to look at our planning board. If there are any songs you are unfamiliar with just ask one of the staff to sing it to you :)
We do need:
- Some cardboard boxes for a 'Row, Row, Row your boat' activity
-A photograph of the front of your house
- If your child has a favourite Nursery Rhyme please note it down on our 'child led ideas board' situated next to the door.
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